Sunlight done right: Safety for your skin

Sunlight done right: Safety for your skin

Sunlight Done Right: Safety for Your Skin 


1. Use Sunscreen

Experts recommend using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher. This will give you more protection. Don't forget to reapply.

2. Protect your eyes with sunglasses

There are sunglasses that block UVA and UVB rays. These will effectively protect your eyes and the tender skin around it.

3. Wear proper clothing

Long-sleeved tops and longer bottoms can protect you from UV rays. If you're on the beach, be sure to have a cover-up in handy.

4. Seek shade often

Take advantage of large trees and umbrellas. You need as much relief from the sun as possible.

5. Check the products you're using

Sunscreen, cosmetics, and other skin care products may offer sun protection, but you have to check the expiration date.

Have fun in the sun safely with more tips from Skeen Elixir.

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